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2fa Now Required For Enhanced Protection

Epic Games Enhances Account Security with Mandatory Two-Factor Authentication

2FA Now Required for Enhanced Protection

In a major move to enhance user account security, Epic Games has announced that Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) will become mandatory for all Epic Games accounts. This critical step comes in the wake of increasing incidents of unauthorized account access and fraud.

How to Enable 2FA

Enabling 2FA is a simple and effective way to add an extra layer of security to your Epic Games account. The process involves connecting your account to a trusted device, such as a smartphone or tablet. When you log in to your account, you will be prompted to enter a unique code sent to your device. By providing this additional verification, 2FA significantly reduces the risk of attackers gaining unauthorized access to your account, even if they have your password.

Strong Recommendation for Re-Enabling 2FA

Epic Games strongly recommends re-enabling 2FA for all accounts that have previously linked to a different external account. Additionally, users can also change their phone number for 2FA via SMS. These measures are crucial for ensuring the protection of user accounts and sensitive information.
