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Early Political Career

Benjamin Netanyahu's Rise to Power

Early Political Career

Benjamin Netanyahu, born October 21, 1949, emerged as a prominent political figure in 1993 when he was elected chair of Likud, Israel's leading right-wing party. This position made him the Leader of the Opposition and paved the way for his future rise to power.

First Term as Prime Minister (1996-1999)

In the 1996 election, Netanyahu triumphed over incumbent Prime Minister Shimon Peres with a narrow margin of 1%. This election marked a shift in Israeli politics, with Netanyahu becoming Israel's youngest Prime Minister at the age of 46. During his first term, he faced significant challenges, including ongoing tensions with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and negotiations over the West Bank and a potential Palestinian state.

Second Term as Prime Minister (2009-2021)

Netanyahu returned to power as Prime Minister in 2009 and served until 2021, making him the longest-serving Israeli Prime Minister in history. His second term was also characterized by ongoing conflicts with the Palestinians and complex international relations, including strained ties with the Obama administration in the United States. Netanyahu's tenure was marked by controversial policies and a strong stance on security and national defense.

Legacy and Impact

Benjamin Netanyahu's rise to power and subsequent political career have had a profound impact on Israeli society and politics. His policies and decisions have shaped Israel's domestic and foreign relations, leaving a lasting imprint on the nation's history. As a dominant figure in Israeli politics for decades, Netanyahu's legacy will continue to be debated and analyzed by historians and political commentators alike.
